Sunday, May 18, 2008

i am madi.

i am madi.
Well, i guess this is the part where im supposed to try and describe who i am, using words. But i dont see how thats possible. I could say "Hi i Madi from Oahu, i go to Kahuku High, i like to run and read and party. Im a Funny crazy person, i dont take anything too seriously especilly not myself. " But thats not who i am. People tend to indetify who they are with these external physical things. they think who they are has to do with there life sittuations and there personality, but really, who you are is so much more than that. it actually has nothing to do with any of those things. Those are just the outside things, the material things. Who you are comes from deep inside you, from your essence and your being. its not about how nice your clothes are and if there from hollister or not. it doesnt matter how cool you are what people think about you, can that doesnt make up who u are, although most people subconsiously think so. who u are can be describes in words or in thought, its something that you feel. something that you, and only you know. You could TRY to explain to someone who you are, but that would be veeery hard. and even the most closest person in the world doesnt truly know who you are. The only person that really knows, the only person who will ever truly know, is yourslef, your spirit and universe.

im different than most people youll meet. i dont care what anyone thinks about me. there opinion doesnt matter to me, all that matters is what i think about myself. i really dont care what people say about me. because it usually is never true. i dont care if people talk shit about me. i laugh at people who care about that kind of shit. i think there are way more important things in life other than what people say about you. i somehow am able to avoid drama because i really dont care about what other people do with there lifes, i dont like to talk about other people cuz its a waste of my time.
im a very optimistic person, i only focus on the good, i dont stress, its a waste of time, i dont have fear, i dont see the point, i dont have anger, becuase i dont have a reason, nature fasinated me.
i beleive trees are the smartest things on this plant. they are so wise. they can live togther in peace any harmony, so many different types of trees. you can learn so much from a tree. you can learn secrets to life if you just open your eyes, clear your mind and watch. i think when you take away all the stuff that makes us human, we have the same essences as trees, they are simply beautiful.

the reason why i decided to start a blog is because i thought it be cool to have like an online diary where i can openly epress myslef and my feelings. i dont really expect anyone to read this stuff. itd be cool if people did though and gave me feedback.
i like to meet new people. especilly people who beleive the same shit i do, and see the world how i do, veiw life they way i do. i can find beauty in all things. i dont really have many people i can talk about this deep life crap with so i guess ill just write it all out here.

-enjoy madi b.